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Proceedings of the International Workshop
on New Technologies
and Cocoa Breeding
16th – 17th October 2000
Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia
INGENIC is the International Group for Genetic Improvement of Cocoa. INGENIC was created in 1994 and operates as an independent group sponsored by different institutions. It promotes the exchange of information and international collaboration on topics related to cocoa genetics and improvement of cocoa planting materials.The committee of INGENIC comprises:
Chairman - Dr. Albertus B Eskes
Vice-Chairman - Dr. Ming Tong Lee (replaced by Dr. Kelvin Lamin in October 2000)
Vice-Chairman - Dr. Yaw Adu-Ampomah
Vice-Chairman - Dr. Dario Ahnert
Secretary/Treasurer - Dr. Michelle J. End
Editor - Mrs. Frances L. BekeleFurther information on INGENIC and copies of these Proceedings can be obtained from:
The INGENIC Secretariat
Dr. Michelle J. End
37-41 Bedford Row
Fax:+44 2074049110
E-mail: michelle.end©bcccaorg.uk
©INGENIC 2001 The Workshop Organising Committee and INGENIC wish to thank all those organisations who have given their valuable support to this Workshop. In particular, we would like to express our gratitude to:
ISBN 1 900527 02 2
- ACRI (American Cocoa Research Institute) USA, BCCCA (Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery Alliance) UK, and the Bundesverband der Deutschen Susswarenindustrie, Germany, for their financial support.
- MCB (Malaysian Cocoa Board), and
- CPA (Cocoa Producers Alliance), for support in the organisation of this Workshop.
- CIRAD (Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherches Agronomiques pour le DAveloppement) France, for support in typesetting and layout of these Proceedings.
- Cocoa Research (UK) Ltd. UK, for sponsoring the participation of Dr. Mike Wilkinson.
- CTA (Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation), the Netherlands, for sponsoring the participation of four researchers. INGENIC wishes to thank furthermore the following organisations for their more general support to INGENIC activities and to INGENIC committee members: ACRI, BCCCA, CIRAD, CPA, CRU (Cocoa Research Unit, Trinidad and Tobago), CRIG (Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana), LIFFE (London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange), MCB, and the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, llheus, Bahia, Brazil.
Workshop Organising Committees
Local Committee International Committee Lee Ming Tong (Chairman) Albertus Eskes (Chairman) Kelvin Lamin (Coordinator) Lee Ming Tong (Vice-Chairman) Tan Chia Lock Yaw Adu-Ampomah (Vice-Chairman) Ahmad Kamil Mohd Jaaffar Dario Ahnert (Vice-Chairman) Azhar Mohammed Dario Ahnert (Vice-Chairman) Lea Johnsiul Frances Bekele (Editor) Rosnah Maamor Elilia Tundim Abdullah Sarinah Ambia